Your home is where you’ve lived your life, entertained friends and created memories. It’s where you’re happiest. More people who face mobility issues and health risks that make going up and down stairs difficult are opting for the convenience and safety of a residential elevator.
It’s been over 165 years since the world’s first elevator was introduced. In that time, elevators have become fixtures in almost every multi-story commercial building. However, elevators for single-family homes have, shall we say, never gotten off the ground. Installing them in existing or even new homes was an extensive… and expensive home renovation project.
Until now. Home elevators are now affordable.
The new Easy Climber Shaft-Less Elevator:
✔ Moves you safely between floors, even during a power outage
✔ Keeps you living independently in the home you love
✔ Makes life easier in so many unexpected ways
✔ Installs quickly & easily compared to traditional in-home elevators
Learn MoreYou wouldn’t think twice about using an elevator in an airport or high rise. Now that same peace of mind is available in your home.
The Easy Climber Elevator meets or exceeds all federal and local regulations … but we didn’t stop there. This revolutionary home elevator sets a new standard for protecting you – even in the most unlikely of circumstances. With more than a dozen industry – leading safety features, your trips between floors will be smooth and secure.
Before you sacrifice your multi-story home and move to an apartment, condo or assisted-living facility, learn more about the convenience of a shaft-less home elevator. The elevator can be installed on any load-bearing wall in your home, ensuring you can move easily and safely from floor to floor.
Once upon a time elevators were a pricey addition to a home. Major construction and major disruption to your home that could take weeks to complete…and the costs and aggravation are piling up the entire time. Now with the new Easy Climber Elevator, smart engineering makes those sky-high costs a thing of the past.
Our innovative designers and engineers have created an easy-to-install shaft-less elevator that’s perfect for improving your existing home. There is no elevator shaft to construct, no electrical work and no need to build a separate, specialized mechanical room. The process is simple – just cut the hole and reinforce the surrounding floor, attach the tracks and elevator to the wall, then test thoroughly and you’re ready for your first ride.
As a result, there’s minimal disruption to your home and installation takes as little as one day!
Learn More About Easy InstallationWhy spend another day without this remarkable convenience? Just fill in your details below to find out how you can get your own Easy Climber.